A Day of Reprieve…

Today was a rare day of reprieve for the dolphins migrating off the coast of Japan… and with the horrors of the past weeks’ slaughters, it was also a welcomed day in which we did not have to witness the death of these amazing creatures…

There was a gale force wind warning this morning, so the dolphin fishermen decided to hang up their knives and nets for another day… Tomorrow’s weather is looking very much the same, and the wind has been beating on the window panes for most of the night, so we are all hoping that it continues well into tomorrow morning!

It is on days like these in which we can get a lot of work done, whether it is with various projects, contacts or media. I have had a few people approach me asking for my blog to be translated into other languages, and so I have now been in contact with someone who will be translating many of my blogs in German, and I am currently in the process of getting them translated into Japanese also. If you yourself can speak another language and would like to help me by translating my blogs in order to reach many more people, please contact me at pathtoprotect@hotmail.com

For anyone who knows of people in Germany who can get this page out to as many people as possible, please send them my German translated page on my blog. I would like to thank Chris who has kindly donated a lot of his time in helping me with these German translations!

Over the next few days, I will be filming my next video blog- which due to a few suggestions, will include a tour around the Cove and other notable places in Taiji. I will also be filming a video with Nao, my Japanese friend who is here as a Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian… once this video is up online- I will call on each and every one of you to spread it as far and wide as you can. This may be one of the most important things I am focusing on at the moment- this video will target both ‘Westerners’ and the Japanese public. So please look out for that video over the next few days!

Last night, I was interviewed in my first ever radio interview for a UK community radio station by Thomas Janak. It was really great to answer some of the questions he had, and it was a really positive interview! We discussed my time here in Japan so far, and touched on the difficulty of the past few days for me… Please click here to listen to the interview! Thank you, Thomas, for your time and support!

I would like to thank everyone for your support and continued efforts to spread the word on what is happening here in Taiji… In only 2 days, my footage which captured the suffering of dolphins has been viewed over 2,000 times! Please, keep the focus on what is happening here in Taiji- we can make a change here… as long as we never let what happens become ‘out of sight… out of mind’.

I really need more videos for my ‘Youth Project’ guys, so if you are someone seeing these videos, reading what happens here, and you want to make a change- and want to help stop the slaughter, please become involved in this project… This is a way of getting everyone to speak up for the dolphins. So please take a look at the details of the project, and send in a video as soon as you can!! The best one for the week will feature on my Facebook page. (Check out my Facebook for this week’s best video entry submitted by Michelle Ferguson with her kids in Westbrook Elementary, Utah!)

Don’t forget to keep sending in your questions to pathtoprotect@hotmail.com for me to answer in my video blogs!

You can follow my videos here on this blogpage (which I will continue to update every day) as well as my Youtube Channel
Also, don’t forget to add me as a friend on Facebook if you haven’t yet- for regular updates, photos, information and videos from the Cove.

If you want to help: Please help us put pressure upon the Japanese government and embassys worldwide- let them know that you oppose the slaughter by calling and emailing.

Thankyou everyone for your continued support, and positive feedback! We all really appreciate it!
On the path to protect,


  1. Well done! This past week in Taiji I think was the most difficult for me personally, and I’ve been witness to the killings since day 1 of the killing season. The videos bring up emotions I never knew I had. I can’t imagine bearing witness in person. You are very brave. Thank you for all you are doing…we’re keeping the lights on in Taiji from afar….Ronda

  2. The countries are different!
    People too!
    The nature thanks!

    It takes months and months, the Japanese do not give in! So what is left to the Japanese is my hate! I see hate and anger in Japanese fishermen killing dolphins!

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